Figurative Language
- alliteration / assonance: alliteration is using two or more words in a word group with the same letter. i.e.: “to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea…” -Bob Dylan- | assonance, also called vowel rhyme is a resemblance of sound i.e.: penitentiary, elementary
- metaphor / simile: metaphor is a term applied to unlike things as a comparison and is thought to have a stronger emphasis in writing than the simile which is also a comparison but uses like to as ie: “my love is a dandelion” is a metaphor, “my love is like a dandelion” is a simile.
- personification assigns human attributes to non-human things. i.e. “When cold November, cries of winter, stands howling at my door,”
- hyperbole is an exaggeration used for emphasis: i.e. “I have asked him to pay me a million times.”